ā Blewett Brewing : Wood-fired pizza and craft beer. Kid friendly. 911 Commercial St. blewettbrew.com
ā Sulla
: Italian and Mediterranean
inspired small plates. 931 Front St.
ā Larch : Northwest handcrafted seasonal pasta and cocktails. 214 8th St. larchleavenworth.com
ā Munchen Haus : German sausages and beer garden. Kid friendly. 709 Front St. munchenhaus.com
ā Icicle
Brewing Company
: Great beer from here.
935 Front St. iciclebrewing.com
ā Mana : A 3-hour, unique 8 course journey through the senses of organic,
wild foraged, and 90% locally
sourced ingredients. Reservations required.
1033 Commercial St. manamountain.com
ā J5
Coffee Shop
: Hand crafted drinks with an organically grown espresso
215 9th St. j5coffee.com